Delivering the best savings to your employees
As FlexGenius is independent, we can scour the market for the best savings and most innovative affinity products. This ensures your employees benefit from exclusive and consistent offers that aren't available to the general public.
different offers are currently available to your employees.
Our employee perks solutions
Retail discounts
We give you access to the best shopping discounts, with over 4,000 offers, including substantial discounts at High Street stores and Supermarkets.
Whatcar Affinity
Quick and easy access to guaranteed savings on thousands of new cars, supplied by a carefully selected panel of trusted franchised UK dealers.
Health club discounts
Corporate discount rates are available to all participating employees, from a network of UK-wide gyms and health clubs, including most of the major chains
Book a free demo
The only way to truly assess new software is to see it in action. Why not book a free demo of our simple-to-use system, and take the opportunity to ask our consultants how the platform can configured to your exact business requirements?
Want to have a chat?
Want to know a bit more about FlexGenius? Our team would be happy to chat with you today!